Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Swimming In the Shallow End of the Pool

Politics is not something I want to write about on this blog but in light of all that is happening this year I realized that for the first time ever, within 3 months, North America could be led by 3 Catholic politicians. Now I know what some of you are thinking and I agree with you. Two of these fellows are Catholics in name only. The third, the president of Mexico, does identify as Catholic but prefers to call himself a “Christian, in the broadest sense of the word…” Fair enough. In fact, I think he is the most truthful one of the bunch.

So, let me dig a little deeper into the faith of the other two. Actually, I don’t think I have to dig too deep at all as their beliefs seem more wide than deep. Recently I read a chapter in Dan Burke's book Spiritual Warfare and the Discernment of Spirits and he writes,

Catholics simply do not know the Faith they claim. Years of immersion in the shallow end of the pool does not teach someone to swim, no matter how much time they have spent in the water.

And I can’t remember where I read this but,

Being sentimental about rosaries or nuns is not faith.

I don’t personally claim to have insider knowledge of a certain prime minister or that guy running for president south of the border but I have heard on multiple occasions of their support for abortion, among other things.  Just supporting abortion alone is contrary to Catholic teaching. Yet, a former first lady of America states that the presidential candidate is 'guided by faith'. Not sure how she came to that conclusion. I mean, standing in a garage doesn’t make me a car, same as sitting in a church doesn’t make me a Christian.

Please don’t get me wrong – this is not a post of support for the current president. He has used people of faith because they routinely vote for his party. He’s no more prolife than the other politicians I have referenced.

Our neighbours to the south are in deep trouble. Their only hope is to pray for an outcome to the election that is pleasing to God. I have no idea how that is going to happen without an enormous and miraculous conversion. Americans need to fast and pray for their country. We need to do the same for ours but for the moment our politeness as Canadians, which is rapidly deteriorating as the virus continues to grip our country, will hopefully keep us from self destruction.

All of this reminds me of Luke 19:41-44 where Jesus wept as he approached Jerusalem and said the city would be crushed by its enemies because the people didn’t recognize the time of their visitation from God. I am praying we will be attentive and recognize his presence before it is too late.

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