Saturday, December 19, 2020

Who Helps You?

My friend and I are working through a little book of Advent Gospel reflections this season. Each day features the Gospel, a reflection on it, and a thought provoking question. Here is today's:

In his wisdom and power, God arranged for certain people to aid in the mission of his Son (e.g., the birth of John the Baptist from a barren mother and the sinlessness of Jesus' mother, Mary). Who has God put in your life to help you fulfill the mission he has entrusted to you?

I thought of the priest who walked with me through my decree of nullity and who patiently answered my many emails with all sorts of questions about the faith. He helped me correct my situation so I could receive the Sacraments again.

The long time friend whose bible knowledge is brought to life by the engaging way she weaves the events and people together, speaking about those people as if she just had coffee with them this morning. She helps me to see the bible isn't words on a page but a living document, a love letter from God.

The lady who gave me a book that changed the way I understood the Real Presence in the Eucharist and how it was rooted in Passover from the Book of Exodus. 

The two leaders from the healing retreat that were my spiritual midwives and helped bring me back to life. 

The friend who leads our apostolate with me. She shows me how to let the Spirit lead and that it's not all about the letter of the law.

The family member that sent me a 15 year Mass card when my mom died when I was so very far away from the Church. Eventually I followed that gossamer thread to a Lenten mission that led to an explosion of graces. 

The friend whose example makes me pay attention to what is coming out of my mouth. 

The Latin Mass which reminded me that newcomers are confused when they first go to Mass, even the Novus Ordo. They need a friend to accompany them.

The lady that prayed over me at the pilgrimage. That set events into motion that reached clear across the country and brought healing, or at least a deeper awareness, into many lives.

The young Christian woman who was suspicious of the Blessed Mother and who told me to never send her any Catholic material of any kind. In spite of that she continued to phone me and ask me questions about the Catholic faith until she realized it was exactly where she belonged and she loved Mary. 

Every person that ever spoke to me while I was praying at 40 Days for Life, whether they agreed with me, and maybe especially when they didn't.

Oh goodness, I could go on and on. I have been so blessed by so many people that have crossed my path. And I can't leave out my poor long-suffering husband who spends every Tuesday (well, until the virus arrived) washing the dinner dishes so I can go to Mass and RCIA. 

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