Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Chaplet Meditations for the Dying

Yesterday I contemplated the wounds of Jesus crucified as they related to my sins. Today I offer some reflections and prayers to help the dying, especially those who are unprepared spiritually, to make peace with God and their neighbour.

When I consider the lacerations in his head from the crown of thorns, I think of the looping thoughts of someone who is dying in torment from fear of the unknown, perhaps dreading eternal punishment or pretending to ignore it. I pray that Jesus makes his merciful presence known to them. I think of those continually replaying hurtful events and holding grudges. I pray these people receive the grace to forgive.

His pierced right hand reminds me that so many have been abused and violated. I pray for those that meted out the abuse and violence, that they will experience sorrow for their sins before they die and try to make amends. For those they hurt, who fear that forgiveness is condoning the actions of others and feeling they are unable to offer that forgiveness, I pray they will let thoughts of revenge go and let God deal with the offender in his way.

The deep wound in Jesus’ left hand helps me think of those that acted with indifference and intolerance towards others, that abandoned their families or duties, or considered their sins of omission as less grievous than sins of commission. I pray their hearts will be softened and opened by the love of Jesus.

While meditating on the holes in his feet I pray for those far away from God, that are resistant to opening their hearts. I pray they realize Jesus is not chasing them away but walking towards them, meeting them where they are, showing them his heart and knowing their hurts.

And finally, I gaze at the bloody gash in the side of Jesus. I hope that as his redeeming blood washes over the dying that they realize they are able to hide in this wound. Even though I believe his heart beats for me, even I am a little bit scared. If I am scared, then Lord, help me try to understand those that fear you, so I may not dismiss their fears but show them your love and your mercy.

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